
第4/17篇 狼瘡症與健康之道淺談…自己做蘆薈汁

(ROMANO ZAGO神父在葡萄牙多個城市的會議上對上述題目作了一些簡短敍述)

就是利用一種最普遍植物之治療力量:蘆薈(Aloe Barbadensis),它帶有一種天然凝膠,開花期在冬季,花的顏色可以是黃色或紅色。

甲) 半公斤(一磅)純峰蜜(液體那種);
乙) 三至四湯匙白蘭地酒,威士忌或干邑及;
丙) 壹塊大型aloe vera那種蘆薈葉(如果是細葉,可用臺至兩塊) 或, 如神父所提及那種"barbadensis"蘆薈葉兩塊(細葉三塊).


甲) 蘆薈葉要從一棵種了四年或以上的蘆薈採摘;
乙) 不能採用蘆薈(植物)最頂(因太嫩)或最底部份(因太老),只可用中間部份的蘆薈。
丙) 採摘蘆薈葉時間:清早或黃昏,因為當蘆薈葉曝露於陽光時,它的治療物質便受影響。
丁) 找些遠離空氣污染的蘆薈才可使用, 因為蘆薈有吸收毒素的特質, 假如是在家裡自種, 則要避開煙草味,蘆薈本身是需要陽光的。
戊) 做好了的蘆薈汁最好在二十天內飲完。
特別注意: 懷孕期及哺乳中的婦女不應飲用此蘆薈汁。
Chelsia補充: 蘆薈葉內部有黃色汁液, 是一種刺激物, 味道非常苦. 所以要如上圖把它放上約半小時 (視乎汁量多少而決定擺放時間), 待黃色汁液流掉大部份之後才好拿來做蘆薈汁. 而葉的尾部(頂尖約1吋部份)亦有黃色汁液, 可以不用. 但這些黃色汁液在某種病症下卻是很有用的.
有一本書名”O Novo Guia do Aloés” (新的蘆薈指南), 由 Marie
Lecardonnel醫生著作. 書中提及這些黃色汁液除了是不適宜被懷孕期及哺乳中的婦女服用外, 而患有直腸-結腸出血, 痔疾, Crohn (區域性腸炎), 腎炎或嚴重腎病的人士也不被建議飲用...除非蘆薈汁只採用新鮮蘆薈葉內部之凝膠或購買回來可飲用之蘆薈凝膠(aloe gel)...但亦要留意產品中的(aloina)蘆薈素, (aloe-emodina)及(cromogeneos)必須已被清除.
有些人士可能會對蘆薈的口味有點不易接受或飲用後出現一些"不適"現象, Lecardonnel醫生就建議開始飲用時之份量可以少些, 到適應之後便飲用正常份量.
Lecardonnel醫生特別注重在市面上出售之任何蘆薈產品, 必須具備以下條件才好購買: 1) 產品之蘆薈含量必須達97至99%; 2) 顏色是淺黃, 奶白或透明的; 3) 最好選購的產品有註明是採用蘆薈葉內部之凝膠 (aloe vera inner gel), 特別是作治療之用時, 更加需要; 4) 蘆薈是由當地國家農業部認証之”有機農業”產品及5) 由”International Aloe Science Council” 所認証之產品才有保證.
另外, 如果某些人士不能接受酒精, 可改用同等份量之檸檬汁. 如飲用者患有糖尿病, 可把酒精減半, 用少些蜜糖及增加檸檬汁之份量. Lecardonnel醫生亦提及, 假如家中沒有種蘆薈的話, 可改用市面上買回來能飲用之蘆薈凝膠 (Aloe Gel) - 份量: 四湯匙.
(Chelsia補充: 如用買回來能飲用之蘆薈凝膠, 此時蜜糖可能會較多, 其餘材料如白蘭地酒或檸檬汁亦可同時相對減少. 相反地, 可增加蘆薈凝膠之份量, 最好各自因應個人口感而酌量修改).

每天三次(早、午、晚)餐前十五至三十分鐘服用兩湯匙, 如果是癌症病人,可服用三湯匙,服用前先把蘆薈汁搖勻。

每年只服兩次(春天及秋天) , 每次壹劑 (即前述材料所造成之份量)及有需要時,如傷風等。

無論是因為治病或保健而服用蘆薈汁,而有“不正常”現像出現時,如嘔吐、肚痾、痕癢、膿腫(膿瘡), 可採用蘆薈葉一塊切半,並放置在膿腫範圍上、排深色尿或尿血、甚至其他徵狀等,不用擔心,相反要高興才是,因為這是身體機能正在清洗中,是排毒的現像,在此情況下,是不適宜終止飲用。

服用兩劑蘆薈汁及做些檢查,看看癌症是否己醫治好,或已受到控制,還是繼續生長。 為了得到更佳治療效果,在治療期間,最好不吃肉類,海鮮,雞蛋,牛奶或任何動物脂肪。



- 肝癌:容易醫好
- 前列腺癌,乳癌,卵巢癌,子宮癌及血癌:相對容易醫好。
- 肺癌:需要長些時間治療及醫生跟進。
- 淋巴瘤:是最難醫治的一種癌症,但亦有成功個案。
- 腦癌,咽喉癌,胃癌,腸道及肛門等病症:有很多醫好的例證。


注意事項: 在外敷的情況下, 亦有很小部份的人會對蘆薈過敏. 如想求證, 可在不當眼的皮膚擦點蘆薈凝膠, 觀察48小時, 假如皮膚沒有紅腫, 便可使用蘆薈作外用治療了!

天父用無限的智慧創造大自然,給人類一個快樂和平靜的生活,但是貪婪和無知的人類破壞了它,現在讓我們回歸大自然,讓它的慷概幫助我們吧! 感謝主!
另外, 我們也可自制天然蘆薈滴劑, 用來醫治結膜炎(紅眼症), 白內障及乾眼的問題, 更適合因長期使用電腦而導致眼睛疲勞之人士使用. 甚至對於慢性鼻竇炎, 或由傷風感冒引起之鼻塞, 發炎也能醫治, 所不同的, 是把滴劑用來滴鼻. 在美容方面, 它可為我們的靈魂之窗回復孩童時代之雪白,精靈.
請參考我的另一篇文章蘆薈滴劑 (滴眼, 鼻之天然藥水) .

2 条评论:

Unknown 说...

Hi Chelsia,

My friend sent this link to me and I really want to know more about how to get rid of the toxic from the body. My sister has the same illness as your daughter but because of poor sleep every night, she is not getting well though she follows strict diet and medication. What exactly is helpful to her body and how can she get rid of the toxic from her body? I learn about making the Aloe drink from your blog and is it for clearing the toxic from the body?

I really want to learn more about curing the illness to help my sister out.

Hope to hear from you.


Chelsia 说...

Dear Ceci,

Sorry for your sister´s illness...But I do believe that hope always exists!

To answer your questions: Honestly speaking, your e-mail has shown 2 parts which are not so favourable to your sister´s situation, 1st, not sleeping well and 2nd, the medication.

To anylyse the sleeping problem - If it is caused by the pain of lupus symptoms, the procedure to take is to try to minimize the medicines in a safety measure. But now, it is not the step yet because I don´t have any information about your sister´s detailed situation such as what kind and what quantity of medicines that she is taking. Most importantly, her blood test results to reflect the reality etc. etc.

To play safe, aloe vera juice is absolutely a good step to start because it can reduce the inflammation that lupus creates. Then, about diet, a healthy diet requires complete nutrients. To achieve "complete nutrients" from our daily consumption of foods/fruits is not that easy. In this case, liqua spirulina is a guarantee of the source of complete nutrients. May I know which country that you are living in ? because the liqua spirulina that I mentioned in the blog is made in USA, if you live there, for sure that the cost of purchasing liqua spirulina can be lower.

Back to my recommendation: Maintain the medication, on top of it, take liqua spirulina and aloe vera juice. No junk food and do gently some exercises such as swimming, taichi or walking would be helpful too. If your sister can follow this recommendation strictly for a period of 3-6 months first, for sure that her toxins can be eliminated gradually. Then, take the blood test, if improvement has shown, then, it is time to reduce her medication in a gentle way. A chronic disease patient should never stop any medications completely nor suddenly!

So far till now, although my daughter is not 100% recovered, however, she hasn´t taken her medicines for 1 year already. In this example, you can see that your sister has hope now !

Sleeping problem again. If your sister cannot sleep well not because of lupus. Then, you can try to know if she has any stress from her job or study or family problems etc. Try to help her to relieve any stresses from her daily living could be helpful too. For the time being, I will not go too deep inside this topic because of the lacking of information. So much for now, hope these simple guidelines could be followed completely by your sister if she really wants to help herself.

Good luck and best regards to you and your sister !

PS. in case if you have more questions and I can be helpful, pls. do not hesitate to mail me chanchauin@yahoo.com.hk

Only that I will be away for 3 weeks of holiday, visiting my family and friends in Macau, I might not be able to check mails so often.
