Very few people would realise that actually confidence and optimistic attitude are the main keys toward a quick recovery from a disease
1) According to the experience from my family and myself, at the beginning or during taking liqua spirulina and/or aloe vera juice, there would be some “good effect” reactions such as feeling hot but without fever, more tired, thirsty, dried lips, very smelly and the colors of excrements were green or almost black, or having slight constipation. Or when we had pain on certain parts of the body, the pain would become stronger.
Advice: In case if you have encountered with the situation of having fever, and the temperature is less than 40ºC and it lasts not more than 3 days, then, pls. let the body react naturally, try not to take any medications under this circumstance. What you just need to do is to drink more water and rest more. However, if the fever still persists, a medical check-up is advisable.
Advice: In case if you have encountered with the situation of having fever, and the temperature is less than 40ºC and it lasts not more than 3 days, then, pls. let the body react naturally, try not to take any medications under this circumstance. What you just need to do is to drink more water and rest more. However, if the fever still persists, a medical check-up is advisable.
Depending on different people’s health conditions, normally these kinds of reaction would last for only 7-10 days. After that, you will feel lighter and better. For the very healthy people, maybe he/she would not have any reactions at all!;
2) Dr. Marie Lecardonnel who is the author of “O Novo Guia do Aloés” (The New Guide of Aloes), mentioned that when patients are undertaking medication, should not immediately using aloe vera juice to replace their medications, in order to avoid any irreversible situations from happening.
However, from the briefing of Frei (Monk) Romano Zago, he told the patients only to drink aloe vera juice and follow up with medical check-up, to verify if the cancer is cured, or being under controlled;
2.1) After combining their orientations, I was a bit confused and didn’t know what to do. In the end, I temporarily have understood and can only suggest as below:
2.1.1) If a person is at the stage of suspecting or just confirmed having cancer, lupus or Aids etc, he/she can consider giving 2-4 weeks’ trail, immediately drinking the suggested quantity of both liqua spirulina and aloe vera juice. Then, to have a check-up again and see the situation, if it is better or not;
2.1.2) What about if the person is already under medication or receiving chemotherapy treatment? I will try to understand the situation from an angle like that: Firstly, the chemotherapy treatment and most of its related drugs would eventually damage or suppress the immune system. Although the cancer cells are being destroyed, the healthy cells are also being killed.
However, liqua spirulina and aloe vera juice are just doing the complete healing effects; they are a kind of natural food/medicines that would only increase the capacity of our immune system. When the immune system is strong, it will naturally help to eliminate any tumours or virus etc.
However, liqua spirulina and aloe vera juice are just doing the complete healing effects; they are a kind of natural food/medicines that would only increase the capacity of our immune system. When the immune system is strong, it will naturally help to eliminate any tumours or virus etc.
I guess like that: If a patient is taking drugs and/or receiving chemotherapy treatment, at the same time taking insufficient dosage of liqua spirulina (without aloe vera juice together), it is possible that the result would not be so obvious about the efficacy on the “combined treatments”.
I had just noticed one interesting thing at the end of Nov. 2007, when I was writing my blog previously in Chinese and trying to get some data from the 19 sets of my daughter’s blood test results, I realised that 5 or 6 months after she had been taking drugs and only drinking liqua spirulina at the same time, there were 3 consecutive results of anti-dsDNA showing the value had been maintaining at +450, however, she never has anemia and the platelets maintains at the middle level of the normal range. The body reaction was fine, she was just so comfortable, never suffers from any fevers nor special joints pain.
I had just noticed one interesting thing at the end of Nov. 2007, when I was writing my blog previously in Chinese and trying to get some data from the 19 sets of my daughter’s blood test results, I realised that 5 or 6 months after she had been taking drugs and only drinking liqua spirulina at the same time, there were 3 consecutive results of anti-dsDNA showing the value had been maintaining at +450, however, she never has anemia and the platelets maintains at the middle level of the normal range. The body reaction was fine, she was just so comfortable, never suffers from any fevers nor special joints pain.
Although my daughter was feeling well, I was still not satisfied with the anti-dsDNA value which should maintain at 450 forever (according to doctor's opinion). In Jan. 2007, I decided to add aloe vera juice on top of the medicines and liqua spirulina, then the figure really lowered to 286.7 in March. Later on, with the consent from the doctor, I continued to give her aloe vera juice. Excitingly, every time with the blood test results, both the inflammation and anti-dsDNA values were improving until it became negative.
2.1.3) According to my personal experience derived from my daughter’s sickness, I realised and confirmed that YES, both the quality and quantity on healthy diets, exercises, balanced-emotions, disciplinary living styles, as well as the medications (at extreme situation only), altogether are contributing to certain extent, either positive or negative impacts on the disease, as it really depends on how many “good factors” or “bad factors” we are inputting to our bodies. But very few people would realise that actually confidence and optimistic attitude are one of the main keys toward a quick recovery from a disease.
No matter how and what, if a patient believes that his/her disease can only be cured by a particular kind of treatment, then, he/she should prove to himself/herself that his/her own belief is correct and the treatment works well and safely.
No matter how and what, if a patient believes that his/her disease can only be cured by a particular kind of treatment, then, he/she should prove to himself/herself that his/her own belief is correct and the treatment works well and safely.