
Soup for Yellow Fever disease 黃熱病湯水

Mini onions and Portuguese white carrot.


To know more about yellow fever disease, can go through the following World Health Organization website: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs100/en/

For those who have contracted YF disease, besides receiving treatments from hospitals or clinics...in my personal opinion, the patients can also take this natural remedy – Mini Onion and Turnip (white carrot) Soup, in order to recover faster.

The above photo has shown mini onions and Portuguese “nabo” (a kind of white carrot), however, if you cannot find the same kind of white carrot, you can also use your locally cultivated white carrot.

Quantity of ingredients: There is no fixed weight about mini onions and white carrot. It depends on what kind of soups that we want to make. If it is a clear soup, then, the quantity of ingredients can be lesser. If a creamy soup is preferred, certainly, the ingredients should be more.

1) How to make a clear soup for 1 person to be taken 2 times a day before meals ?
Peeling about 10 pcs. of mini onions and about 100 – 150 g. of white carrots. Cut the white carrot into slices. Add 750 ml. of water into cooking utensil until boiling, add both ingredients into water, lower the fire and continue to boil for another 10-15 mins. until the white carrot becomes soft. Finally, add a little bite of salt. That´s all !

2) How to make a creamy soup for 1 person to be taken 2 times a day before meals ?
The way of making a creamy soup is very similar to the way of making a clear soup. Only the quantity of ingredients should be the double and the water can be reduced to 500 ml.

Once the white carrot becomes soft, add a little bite of salt and use a stick-type-blender to blend the ingredients. That´s all!
And if you want to know who says that this soup is good for Yellow Fever Disease? I don´t know, it appeared in my dream, simple answer, right?
Wish everyone good health!


恩師告知, 他的朋友認識一位老中醫, 教病人每天只飲一次, 一茶匙份量的蒜頭醋就可用來醫治癌症. 真厲害!


艾爾.敏德爾 博士在他的Earl Mindell’s Secret Remedies一書中提及: 蒜 – 從古希臘到羅馬, 從亞洲到中東, 幾千年來蒜一直是抗菌治療的最前線. 隨著抗生素的發現, 大蒜開始敬陪末座. 現在由於有抵抗抗生素的超級細菌出現, 大蒜又被列回到傳染病鬥士的清單上…我最喜歡像蒜頭這類天然的藥草, 因為它們不會不分清楚地攻擊細菌, 或者像抗生素那樣壓制身體天然的免疫防禦力. 天然藥草是偏袒生物的, 刺激身體天然的防禦機制, 不去傷害友善的細菌.


1. 蒜頭; 2. 米醋或蘋果醋亦可; 和 3. 任何玻璃容器, 但容器的蓋亦須是玻璃的.

先把整棵蒜頭外皮及中間那枝乾莖去掉, 切去蒜粒頂部的硬邊, 把內層的蒜粒用刀背拍一下, 去皮後入樽, 份量以每個玻璃容器的四成為準, 並在容器內注滿醋, 蓋好瓶蓋便是了; 需浸 1 年時間便可開始飲用, 而蒜頭亦可食用, 不要浪費啊!

注意: 一定要戴上手套處理蒜頭…如不…到時便會知曉!