

今天是我”幼稚園畢業的日子”, 要分亨一吓啦...

上週末在因緣際會下與心情不大好的二女兒擦出小火花, 丈夫與大女兒誤入戰團, 撩起"中火"後...最後夫婦與兩女兒兵分兩路, 家中當然室溫驟降數天. 其實事情本身很微不足道, 問題是各人只顧在自己的有利立場上去”挑戰”對方, 趁機亨受做個”受害人”之角色而已...所以才有如斯局面之出現.

終於在平安夜, 忽發奇想, 故意少煮晚餐之份量, 好讓稍後開個家庭式之”江湖茶會”... 飯後兩小時, 大家都有點肚餓了...當把蛋糕與茶都擺好後, 便通知大家開茶會. 我說: 各人面前這杯茶名為”諒解之茶”, 如想飲它, 先要原諒自己, 然後原諒別人. 大家都有權不去飲這杯茶, 但我不會拿走, 直到有一天...” 可能基於各人都己有點肚餓, 加上事件又是芝麻那麼小, 很快地, 大家便用一致的手勢提起茶杯, 一點多餘的說話也不需, 當時大家已心神領會了!

其實在茶會前與後的日子, 我都有去觀照自己與家人的問題. 我發現自己是在執著一件事: 自己一路都很努力為三個女兒, 除了照顧她們外, 亦想她們懂得生活與做人, 最終只是希望她們在生命過程中, 心靈上能有一片淨土(平安的心)而已, 所以便經常去改正她們的說話, 思想及行為. 在過程中, 我得承認雖然自己不求任何回 報, 但希望女兒們最少要記得尊重父母. 原來, 這個小小的期望, 都是一個”貪心”, 最後便變成是煩惱的來源! 因為在教導過程中, 自己已下了一個”我是母親, 妳要尊重我”的意識, 當女兒有時沒有這樣如期去尊重自己時, 便是煩惱的開始.

今早, 當我載著大女兒去影証件照片之際, 突然很真誠及坦白地說: 我今早起床後, 發現原來自己一路都不懂得怎樣做好一個母親, 因為經驗不足...所以便給了妳們壓迫感, 我為此向妳道歉. 妳不用原諒我, 因我已原諒了自己, 同時我已答應自己會再去改善自己的問題...至於妳們, 我亦明白, 始終妳們人生經驗淺, 加上朋輩間, 電視, 電影之渲染, 導致想錯, 說錯, 做錯也不自知, 我已不怪責妳們了...妳已十八歲, 我要教的, 已教了不少, 相信以後我不會太長氣了...將來每做何事, 妳是有選擇權的, 首要對自己的決定負責任, 而當遇上問題時, 妳是可以選擇以抱怨, 消極之心或是以寬恕, 積極之心去面對及解決問題的, 一切就視乎自己的心想怎樣了!

女兒聽後很感動, 接著喜極而泣! 在此很慚愧地說, 因為有”我是母親, 要教好女兒們, 要她們尊重自己”的想法存在, 導致很少與大女兒這樣互動, 這樣真誠!

而標題所說的幼稚園畢業, 是因為為人母親已十八年, 一直也看不到自己的重點問題, 直到今天才有機會看到...實在感恩事件的出現及女兒們不經意的訓練, 真的幫我開了不少眼目. 當然以後在很多方面, 還有需要調整的地方啊!



從前, 在十多年的日子裹當職業女性時, 家有傭人; 雙手整天放在鍵盤上, 所接觸的都是一些乾淨, 斯文的工作; 更能換取一份不錯的薪水; 而在需要時再努力些工作的話, 老板自會欣賞; 當然凡有加薪的日子, 總不會少了自己一份.

可是, 風光背後所付出的也不少啊! 工作壓力, 忍氣吞聲, 放工後要讀書增值, 同事間的工作火花, 人事間之流言蜚語; 有時候對女兒們疏忽照顧而產生的壓力等一系列說不盡的故事, 久而久之, 工作的快樂指數自然會定期下降;

轉眼間, 已用了五年時間學習做家庭主婦. 每天雙手都放在軚盤, 砧板上, 所接觸的都是一些濕水, 體力勞動, 頻頻撲撲的生活; 換取一份象徵式的零用錢; 就算適當時候再努力些工作, 家中的“老板們”大多數的時候也不懂得欣賞; 凡有丈夫加薪的日子, 總不會多了自己一份. 話雖如此, 心靈的快樂指數卻會適時增加...

因為從前的我, 曾經有一段時間會認為女性應有自己的工作, 積蓄, 才會有安全感...看上去好像很懂得為了自己的將來打算似的! 接著就經常去計算, 算算吓, 便算出煩惱, 不安; 而現在的我, 經過很多人事物的鍛鍊及反觀這幾年的人生體驗之後, 已明白到命中該有的自會有 , 該來的自會來; 相反, 不該有的自不會得到, 該走的自會走了去, 一絲毫也勉強不了! 所以我已放下, 不再去追求那份安全感了, 只會隨緣地努力生活, 跟著又努力地隨緣做好本份, 安於現狀. 最後, 千金也難買這份沒計算的安心呢!

假如要從投資角度去選擇職業婦女與家庭主婦的角色, 究竟那個比較好呢? 其實那很視乎我們想得到什麼及出發點是什麼了! 如果只是為了生活上的保障及/或一己的得著, 一定是選前者好. 相反, 如果可以接受過著不過不失的物質生活及/或一切以家人為出發點的話, 便是選後者好!

縱觀今時今日社會模式及人們生活作息的改變, 事業學業的壓力, 人與人之間的疏離關係, 物慾橫流的現象等等, 加上青少年薄弱的心靈意志, 以及朋輩或家人間各自在生命價值上或多或少的曲解與鼓吹, 導致很多我們的下一代已在生活, 心靈的不同範疇裹有著不同程度之方向迷失等問題. 撫心自問, 今時今日教養兒女的責任, 比我們的上一代來得更重大更艱辛, 已達至不能全部假手於人的地步了!

看清楚些, 職業婦女這個角色的回報率所得實在有限; 而家庭主婦這個角色在報酬上所失去的亦可算得出, 亦是有限.

我雖然曾因經驗不足而有過苦惱與無耐, 可是我都堅持學習, 從失敗中吸取經驗, 一點一滴去摸索怎樣才能做好家庭主婦, 妻子及母親的角色. 終於在幾年後, 總算看到自己在有限的能力內為家人建立了一個完整, 尚算溫暖的家, 而家中各樣不缺, 安排亦算妥當... 丈夫每天都安心地上班, 很多時回家後總有滿足的臉容...以及三個女兒待人處事的能力正遂步提升, 身體及心靈亦同時健康地穩步成長等...這種種已是最好的回報, 金錢與物質決定買不到, 交換不了, 因為當中的秘訣在於心靈質量的投入. 就算與人互換角色, 總會有些空間是別人或自己也不到位的.


Part 7/7 - App. B - Option B) - How to make aloe vera juice from purchased aloe vera gel?

Aloe vera is a miracle plant

For those who don’t have aloe vera at home nor don’t have time to prepare aloe vera juice from fresh aloe vera, Dr. Marie Lecardonnel suggested a very practical way of making the aloe vera juice from the purchased aloe vera gel and the formula is based on Frei Romano Zago’s natural treatment.

Dr. Lecardonnel pays special attention to some criteria of any commercial aloe products:

1) The percentage of aloe gel must have 97 to 99%;
2) Product’s colour should be light yellow, milky or transparent only;
3) The best choice is to buy the product with indication of “aloe vera inner gel”, specially if it is used for treatment, this requirement is more important;
4) Aloe should be certified by the local Department of Agriculture as “organic product”;
5) Only if the commercial aloe products are certified by the “International Aloe Science Council”, this product is guaranteed.

What are necessary?
- Half kg of pure honey (liquid type);
- 3 to 4 soup spoon of whisky or cognaque;
- 4 soup spoons of aloe gel (although it is called gel, actually it is just like water).

How to do it?

Put the three referred ingredients inside an electric milk shake mixer, until they are well stirred. Now it is ready to be taken. During Summer time keep it in the fridge (refrigerator). Preferably, use dark glass bottles.

On the other hand, Dr. Lecardonnel says that there are some people who cannot take any alcohol; in this case, they can replace the wine with same amount of fresh lemon juice. If consumers are diabetes patients, they can use less honey and replace the quantity of honey with lemon juice.

If the juice is made without alcohol, it must be kept inside a fridge and try to finish it a.s.a.p., e.g. within 7 days.

Part 6/7 - App. A - How to make aloe vera juice from fresh aloe vera?

There are many angles to see an object...

Same as aloe vera juice, there are two or more ways of making it!
The below mentioned and in the next post are App. A and B, 2 ways of doing homemade Aloe Vera Juice, have fun!

Appendix A

Option A) - How to make aloe vera juice from fresh aloe vera?
(This natural treatment was taught by Frei Romano Zago who is a Francis Order Priest in Odivelas, S. João de Brito (Lisboa), Coimbra and Porto, Portugal.)

What are necessary?
- Half kg of pure honey (liquid type);
- 3 to 4 soup spoon of whisky or cognaque;
- 1 big leaf (or one and half , if small ones) from aloe vera or...
2 leaves (or 3, if small ones) from “aloe barbadensis”.

How to do it?

Wash the leaves, take away the thorns and cut into pieces. Then triturate until smashed and turns into a paste. (We can use an electric milk shake mixer.) Put the three referred ingredients inside a large cup. With the electric mixer (the same we use to mix the vegetables when making soup) stir well these ingredients. Now it is ready to be taken. During Summer time keep it in the fridge (refrigerator). Preferably, use dark glass bottles.

There is one reminder from Dr. Marie Lecardonnel who is the author of “O Novo Guia do Aloés” (The New Guide of Aloes), suggesting that inside the aloe vera leaf, there is a kind of yellowish juice which is an irritant. We can put the leaf straight in a cup for some time, e.g. from half to one hour’s time until some of the juice is drained away, otherwise, the aloe vera juice will be very bitter.

Dr. Lecardonnel also mentioned that besides those pregnant and breast-feeding ladies who should not take aloe vera juice with the yellowish juice, for those who have rectum-colon hemorrhage, hemorrhoid, Crohn’s disease, nephritis or serious kidney problems are not recommended to take as well, unless if the aloe vera juice is made from only the inner gel of the aloe vera leaf, or using the drinkable aloe gel from a commercial product…but consumers should pay attention to the purchased aloe products to see if all the aloin, “aloe-emodina” and “cromogeneos” have been eliminated.

At the beginning of drinking aloe vera juice, some people might not like the taste or having some kind of “not feeling well” reactions, Dr. Lecardonnel suggests to start with lesser quantity, until they have adapted to the situations, then, they can drink the suggested quantity accordingly.

On the other hand, Dr. Lecardonnel says that there are some people who cannot take any alcohol; in this case, they can replace the wine with same amount of fresh lemon juice. If consumers are diabetes patients, they can use less honey and replace the quantity of honey with lemon juice. And the quantity of aloe gel is 4 soup spoons. Pls. refer to Option B) for more details.

Attention to be taken!

- Leaves must be from plants with more than 4 years old.
- Young leaves must not be taken (from the top), neither old ones, just use the ones from middle plant.
- The leaves must be collected in the early morning or the later afternoon, as once leaves are exposed to sun light; its healing properties are affected.
- Search for plants away from polluted air, because they absorb toxins. If plants are at home, avoid tobacco smoke. The plant must be exposed to the sun.

Note: During pregnancy, ladies should not take this kind of aloe vera syrup.

How to take it?

- For prevention:

Take one complete dosage 2 times a year (spring and autumn) and when problems occur, such as a cold.

If during the treatment (prevention or not), any abnormal situation occur, like vomiting, diarrhea, itching, abscesses (in this case, get one aloe leave, cut into halves and place on top of the abscess), dark urine or like having blood or even other kinds of symptoms, you don’t need to worry. But, on the contrary, you must be glad, because it is the organism clearing out, reducing toxins. In this phase, it is not convenient to interrupt the treatment.

- In case of having cancer:

Take 2 complete dosages and make medical exams to see whether cancer had been cured, maintained or continues to develop. In this case, to obtain better results to the treatment, it is convenient (during the healing period), not to eat meat, seafood, eggs, milk or animal fat.

If after 2 dosages, the patient is cured, can stop; if not cured, must continue the treatment with intervals of 7 to 10 days.

After an observation on a large number of cases, it is possible to obtain the following conclusions:

- Liver cancer: Easy to cure.
- Prostrate cancer, breast, ovaries, uterus and leukemia: Relatively easy cure.
- Lung cancer: the cure takes a longer treatment and accompany by doctors.
- Lymphoma: is the most difficult cure among all kinds of cancer, but there were some cases with success.
- Brain cancers, throat, stomach, intestines and anus: There is evidence of many cures.
- Other cured sicknesses: skin in general, rheumatism, attrite, ulcers.

This plant can also be used to treat corns, small mouth infections, burns, wounds, hemorrhoids, dandruff. For these cases, apply a big amount of pulp, put on top of the affected area. In the case of hemorrhoids, for example, wet well a piece of cotton and apply directly.

Some people bake the plant leaves then rub it, while warm, on top of the affected areas, (rheumatic pain), getting good results.

God created Nature with infinite knowledge and gave it to Humans to have a happy and peaceful life, but greed and ignorance of the human subverted this situation. Let us return to Nature and help ourselves from her generosity. Thank God!

Part 5/7 - Important Messages

A bundle of flower represents a series of elments and actions...to make our bodies, minds and spirits growing healthily...

Blessings from Amitabha!

I would like to emphasis that the word CURABLE doesn’t mean that we can only rely on “liqua spirulina and aloe vera jucie” to have a disease cured, but also should input a series of elements and actions. Just like a chain, all the following elements and actions should be continuously taken or practiced, if one ring is missing, the result would be affected accordingly.

1) Take healthy diets, including liqua spirulina and any other necessary natural remedies that are considered favorable and compatible to our individual health and conditions, and excluding any junk foods and beverages;

2) Practice adequate and sufficient exercises, such as meditation, yoga, taichi, clapping hands, swimming and/or walking etc.;

3) Live with disciplines, e.g. sleep early and get up on time;

4) Avoid any stresses and try to balance our emotions, it means to maintain calm;

5) Always create positive thinking – be confident and optimistic that we can overcome any difficulties in life, including our health obstacle of course;

6) If possible, try not to rely on anybody, anything nor any matters to give us happiness because when any of these elements that can give us happiness, they can also bring us pains. As long as we have a stable state of mind, our health naturally will maintain stable and healthy;

7) If possible, let go any drugs which would eventually generate side effects (new diseases) to the body. Certainly, we should “play safe”, do this under a gradual progress and safety situation with close observation.
(I have a friend who has cholesterol; she prefers to take medicine and continue consuming her favorite cheese and milk. Actually there are many people like my friend, I frown my forehead on this kind of behavior, why someone would prefer taking medication to please his/her desire for food? Maybe only few people knows that in a long term speaking, by taking only one medicine per day for treating cholesterol problem could eventually kill the person);

8) Always feel thankful to anybody, anything and any matters that appeared in our lives. Offer few cents and/or 2nd hand materials to the needy, stretch out our hands to those who need them, express a kind word or smile to sooth those sufferers, express our gratitude and/or confess our mistake(s) sincerely to the others. Always bless somebody else by praying/chanting for them, or simply make a good wish to those who need it;

9) Fully dedicate our efforts to get cure, this dedication is not for us, but to let our beloved family members and friends be released. By setting up a good example of accomplishing the above-mentioned actions, we certainly are giving hope to another patient and releasing some of his/her pains;

10) And many more positive thinking and actions that you can think of…just go ahead and do it!

Finally, I would like to wish you well, bless you and your family with Buddha Amitabha’s name (Amitabha is the king of Buddhas, the name has the meaning of infinite life that includes everything such as immeasurable wisdom, virtue, talent, happy family and good health etc. etc.).

Part 4 of 7 - Other Information/True Story

A disease can only bend us down at the beginning...but, if we are willing to get up, we always can!

1) There was an information released by Dr. John Malliris of Re-Vita Manufacturing Co. Inc. USA: A 27-year-old female AIDs patient had been drinking liqua spirulina 6 packs/day for 1 week; then, reduced to 4 packs/day for 2 weeks; again reduced to 3 packs/day until the 9th month, finally, the HIV test result showed a value from 1.6 million (9 months ago) dropped to less than 100 in Feb. 2003. After that, this lady only goes to the local hospital for a 3-monthly check-up.

Dr. J. Malliris said: “Although it shows that this patient is not completely cured, all the symptoms have been reducing until they disappeared.”

No matter if it is just an exception or only a single successful case, isn’t it already good news and brings hope to the AIDs patients!

2) On the 3rd Dec. 2007, my husband listened to a one-hour radio program, interviewing Frei Perdigão. He was telling a story about a Portuguese doctor who got a deadly cancer few years ago, only had few months of life ahead. This doctor finally decided to sell his clinic. But, later on, he met Frei Perdigão. Certainly Frei Perdigão told him why not to try the aloe vera juice. This doctor was thinking: “I have nothing to lose!” Then, he drank 2 bottles of aloe vera juice, after 2 weeks, he got better and continued this natural treatment.

After some time, very surprisingly, this doctor was completely cured! One day, Frei Perdigão made a sudden visit to this doctor’s clinic, to see if the clinic was already sold out. In the end, this doctor was still treating his patients. So, he greeted Frei Perdigão and would like to offer a present to Frei Perdigao whatever he asked for.

In the end, Frei Perdigão said: “I have good health, I have food to eat and place to live, and I don’t need anything else!” But this doctor still insisted to offer something…Guess what Frei Perdigão wanted? He told the doctor: “Treat your patients as your brothers and sisters, this would be the best present for me!” Bravo and salute to Frei Perdigão’s unconditional kindness!!! Then, this doctor replied: “This is what I am doing now and I will even try to do better!” Another salute to this doctor!!!

Honestly speaking, I do not need to doubt about the truth of these information/story because my daughter is already an example and a beneficiary of these natural treatment!

Part 3 of 7 - Attention

Very few people would realise that actually confidence and optimistic attitude are the main keys toward a quick recovery from a disease


1) According to the experience from my family and myself, at the beginning or during taking liqua spirulina and/or aloe vera juice, there would be some “good effect” reactions such as feeling hot but without fever, more tired, thirsty, dried lips, very smelly and the colors of excrements were green or almost black, or having slight constipation. Or when we had pain on certain parts of the body, the pain would become stronger.

Advice: In case if you have encountered with the situation of having fever, and the temperature is less than 40ºC and it lasts not more than 3 days, then, pls. let the body react naturally, try not to take any medications under this circumstance. What you just need to do is to drink more water and rest more. However, if the fever still persists, a medical check-up is advisable.

Depending on different people’s health conditions, normally these kinds of reaction would last for only 7-10 days. After that, you will feel lighter and better. For the very healthy people, maybe he/she would not have any reactions at all!;
2) Dr. Marie Lecardonnel who is the author of “O Novo Guia do Aloés” (The New Guide of Aloes), mentioned that when patients are undertaking medication, should not immediately using aloe vera juice to replace their medications, in order to avoid any irreversible situations from happening.

However, from the briefing of Frei (Monk) Romano Zago, he told the patients only to drink aloe vera juice and follow up with medical check-up, to verify if the cancer is cured, or being under controlled;
2.1) After combining their orientations, I was a bit confused and didn’t know what to do. In the end, I temporarily have understood and can only suggest as below:

2.1.1) If a person is at the stage of suspecting or just confirmed having cancer, lupus or Aids etc, he/she can consider giving 2-4 weeks’ trail, immediately drinking the suggested quantity of both liqua spirulina and aloe vera juice. Then, to have a check-up again and see the situation, if it is better or not;
2.1.2) What about if the person is already under medication or receiving chemotherapy treatment? I will try to understand the situation from an angle like that: Firstly, the chemotherapy treatment and most of its related drugs would eventually damage or suppress the immune system. Although the cancer cells are being destroyed, the healthy cells are also being killed.

However, liqua spirulina and aloe vera juice are just doing the complete healing effects; they are a kind of natural food/medicines that would only increase the capacity of our immune system. When the immune system is strong, it will naturally help to eliminate any tumours or virus etc.
I guess like that: If a patient is taking drugs and/or receiving chemotherapy treatment, at the same time taking insufficient dosage of liqua spirulina (without aloe vera juice together), it is possible that the result would not be so obvious about the efficacy on the “combined treatments”.

I had just noticed one interesting thing at the end of Nov. 2007, when I was writing my blog previously in Chinese and trying to get some data from the 19 sets of my daughter’s blood test results, I realised that 5 or 6 months after she had been taking drugs and only drinking liqua spirulina at the same time, there were 3 consecutive results of anti-dsDNA showing the value had been maintaining at +450, however, she never has anemia and the platelets maintains at the middle level of the normal range. The body reaction was fine, she was just so comfortable, never suffers from any fevers nor special joints pain.
Although my daughter was feeling well, I was still not satisfied with the anti-dsDNA value which should maintain at 450 forever (according to doctor's opinion). In Jan. 2007, I decided to add aloe vera juice on top of the medicines and liqua spirulina, then the figure really lowered to 286.7 in March. Later on, with the consent from the doctor, I continued to give her aloe vera juice. Excitingly, every time with the blood test results, both the inflammation and anti-dsDNA values were improving until it became negative.
2.1.3) According to my personal experience derived from my daughter’s sickness, I realised and confirmed that YES, both the quality and quantity on healthy diets, exercises, balanced-emotions, disciplinary living styles, as well as the medications (at extreme situation only), altogether are contributing to certain extent, either positive or negative impacts on the disease, as it really depends on how many “good factors” or “bad factors” we are inputting to our bodies. But very few people would realise that actually confidence and optimistic attitude are one of the main keys toward a quick recovery from a disease.

No matter how and what, if a patient believes that his/her disease can only be cured by a particular kind of treatment, then, he/she should prove to himself/herself that his/her own belief is correct and the treatment works well and safely.

Part 2/7 - Natural Remedy (Liqua Spirulina and Homemade Aloe Vera Juice)

Aloe Vera Juice purchased from a monastery in Lisbon

Liqua Spirulina

No matter you are the introducer or consumer, I would sincerely request you to read all the 7 parts (in English) of this blog, especially in App. A and B because some information is particularly important for some patients.
At the same time, I would like to suggest you spending some time in understanding and knowing more about the efficacy of liqua spirulina, aloe vera and honey, as well as knowing your own body’s conditions etc., in order to make a better decision for your health improvement.

Depending on different companies’ packages and recommendations, I simply use my daughter’s example to provide a general guideline on the consumption dosage of liqua spirulina and aloe vera juice.

You can try the below recommended dosage, let say for 2-4 weeks’ time, then go for a blood test. If you are better, then, you can reduce the liqua spirulina. If the result maintains the same, you can continue the same dosage for more weeks, or even you can add some more liqua spirulina, it doesn’t do any harm at all.

Dosage for different kinds of cancers

Liqua spirulina: Everyday 6-8 packs (14.8 ml each), every 2 hrs. to take one pack before meals, it is drinkable everyday without problem and;
Aloe vera juice: 3 times a day (3 soup spoons each time), take it 15-30 mins. before the 3 main meals. For children between the ages of 6 to 12, quantity cuts to half of the aforesaid.

According to the suggestion of a senior monk who is an ex-cancer patient and now selling aloe vera juice in a monastery in Lisbon: “People with diseases can follow this cycle - take the aloe vera juice for 21 days, then stop for 7-10 days, then, continue to take and stop again. When the sickness is cured, it is time to stop taking it completely.”

Dosage for Lupus

Liqua spirulina: Everyday 6 packs (14.8 ml each), take it 15-30 mins. before the 3 main meals, it is drinkable everyday or increase the dosage by yourself would not be a problem and;
Aloe vera juice: 3 times a day (3 soup spoons each time), take it 15-30 mins. before the 3 main meals. For children between the ages of 6 to 12, quantity cuts to half of the aforesaid.

According to the suggestion of a senior monk who is an ex-cancer patient and now selling aloe vera juice in a monastery in Lisbon: “People with diseases can follow this cycle - take the aloe vera juice for 21 days, then stop for 7-10 days, then, continue to take and stop again. When the sickness is cured, it is time to stop taking it completely.”

Note: a) To be practical and more convenient, my daughter drinks liqua spirulina and aloe vera juice at the same time, and the quantity of water shall be increased accordingly.

b) Although my daughter is at a stable condition now, I would consider that our environment is actually full of bacteria and virus etc., therefore, I still let her drink aloe vera juice 2 days a week to eliminate any existing inflammations; while liqua spirulina is 2 packs a day only, to reinforce the immune system.

Part 1/7 - Lupus, Cancers, AIDs and Many More Diseases are Curable

The nature has provided us with different variety of foods to build a strong immune system...
On the 25th Nov. 2007, my Thai friend was happily congratulating me over the phone…finally my 15 year-old-daughter’s lupus - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) got a negative anti-dsDNA blood test result.

At the same time, my friend was sincerely requesting me to write in English about how my daughter got this successful result even without taking any drugs (such as cortisone, immune suppressants etc.) for six months already…in order that she can pass on a hope to her relative whom has a little boy of about 8 years old who unfortunately is still suffering from lupus.

Base on a long story which I have previously posted in Chinese and due to my time limit, I am not going to translate the content into English, but to concentrate on sharing with you about the Natural Remedy (Liqua Spirulina and Homemade Aloe Vera Juice) which I personally have highly considered them as the “perfect partners” in curing diseases.

Simply speaking, we should not be sick if the immune system is strong enough.
But how to obtain a strong immune system?
The answer is: just feeding the body with complete nutrition.

There are 2 ways to obtain complete nutrition:

A) Either to eat a variety of colourful (red, orange, yellow, green, violet, black and white) fruits, vegetables, beans, grains and cereals etc., preferably the organic ones and/or;

B) To drink Liqua Spirulina. Base on the nutrition information and clinical proves which I have read about spirulina platensis, it is confirmed that this blue-green aquatic plant can provide the body with almost all the nutrients, plus Re-Vita Company’s extra formula to complete the missing nutrients, which can help to improve the health of our body cells. By having healthy cells, the body becomes healthy.

And why to take Liqua (liquid) Spirulina, but not tablet/capsule spirulina?
Base on the comparison of percentage of our body consumption, generally speaking, if we take a vitamin or medicine in tablet form, the body can absorb only about 10% and 16% from capsule form. However, from liqua spirulina, only in 20 minutes’ time, the body can absorb 97% of its nutrition;

From my daughter’s example, I really would not hesitate to recommend anybody to take liqua spirulina because base on her 19 sets of blood test results and 17 months’ observation from my own eyes - since my daughter starts taking liqua spirulina, she hasn’t been having fever, strong joint pains nor skin eruption problem. Therefore so far until now, I have considered liqua spirulina is the most powerful, safe, natural and nutrition-complete food.

In December 2006, I was told by the doctor that the anti-dsDNA value of my daughter would maintain (positive) the same value (+450) like that. Certainly after hearing this opinion, I was not satisfied with the result. Thus, I decided to do something more by giving a trail on my daughter - in parallel to taking drugs, I added Aloe Vera Juice on top of liqua spirulina. Since then, the anti-dsDNA value had been lowering than the previous blood test result, until today, it became negative.

And what does aloe vera juice contains? It contains aloe vera, honey and whisky/brandy. While Aloe Vera itself already contained almost all the nutrients except vitamins D and K, therefore, like spirulina platensis, it is another kind of energy booster to reinforce our immune system.

Plus the honey which is also incredibly good for its healing effects, thus, we can understand why the aloe vera juice is so famous for its natural, detoxifying abilities - to remove any inflammations and tumours from the body. In Portugal, this aloe vera juice remedy has been very well-known for curing many kinds of general diseases, as well as different types of chronic diseases such as diabetes, conjunctivitis, rheumatic problems, eventually cancers, AIDs and lupus etc.

After having a basic understanding of Liqua Spirulina and Aloe Vera Juice, maybe you would like to know where to buy liqua spirulina. According to my information, there are 2 kinds of liqua spirulina in the market which you can look for it at the local stores or check them out on the internet: 1) Re-Vita from USA, which my daughter is taking now and 2) Life Force from Malaysia, which is a new product with different formula.

What about Aloe Vera Juice, where to buy it or how to do it? In Portugal, my husband uses to buy it from a monastery in Lisbon. Sometimes I will make it at home, pls. refer to Appendix A and B for making aloe vera juice. Now, I will inform you about the dosage of this Natural Remedy in the next post.